


Our firm has a long experience in providing external evaluations. These are usually commissioned by a stakeholder/funder who wishes to establish and independently assess the “success“ of a project which they have funded.

The benefits of an external valuation are seen as:

  • Measures the impact of a project against its stated aims
  • Highlights what has worked well and what has not!
  • Facilitates team reflection and effectiveness
  • Measures outputs (quantitative) and longer term impacts (qualitative)
  • A positive evaluation may result in continuation funding by the stakeholder

Our Service

Our methodology when carrying out an evaluation will include the following work elements:

  • Inception – clarifying the brief, agree the data capture methods and a timetable
  • Gathering the data – desktop review, reading the grant application or project brief which will clearly set out the objectives and intended project outcomes, reviewing the processes in place to measure outcomes, online ranking questionnaires using a secure web based portal, focus groups, interviews with service users, discussions with stakeholders, funders and collaborative partners etc.
  • Analyse and interpret the data – summarising, benchmarking the results against ‘best practice’ in the sector, clarify emerging issues with the senior management
  • Report – the writing up of the results – this will generally be a mix of text and graphic format in order to summarise the results of the evaluation as clearly as possible

Please get in touch if you would like to obtain a quote for an evaluation of a project or organisation.

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