
Business Planning – Third Sector


Our firm has a long and established history of preparing Business Plans for third sector clients.

Our approach is to work closely with the client – usually the board and the senior management team – so that the client has a sense of ownership of the finished product.

We try not to produce long and boring Business Plans that end up unread on bookshelves! The style we use incorporates text, graphics and pictures with more detailed analysis shunted to the rear of the document in the form of supporting appendices.

Our Service

Our service will include the following phases:

  • Inception – agree the process and a timetable
  • Hold strategic planning sessions with the board of trustees. This will include a review of the past and plans for the future and will re-visit the purpose of the organisation
  • Preparation of the draft Business Plan. The chapter headings will likely follow the following key questions:
1. What is our purpose? Vision
2. What is our context? Social & economic statistics
Policy landscape
Evidence of demand
3. What do we do? Description of the services & activities
4. How will we deliver these services? Organisation
Management & Staffing
Policies & Procedures
Collaboration with partners
Measuring our work (Monitoring & Evaluation)
5. How will we fund our work? Three year budget model & assumptions
6. Appendices Supporting information
  • Review and ‘polishing’ of the Business Plan with the client

Please get in touch if you would like to obtain a quote for business planning services.

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